“Keep Christ in Christmas” Car Magnets

Get your Christmas car magnets!

Every year during Advent, the Knights sell “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets. They go for $3.00 or 2 for $5.00.  See us after Mass to ensure your car is properly attired for the Advent and Christmas season.

Thanksgiving Day Donuts

Every year, the Knights have a tradition of hosting a Donut Reception after Thanksgiving Day Mass. The event is a great way for the parish to share friendship and camaraderie on the day when we give thanks to God for all of His graces and blessings, including our parish family.

Advent Party – December 4th

adventOur annual Advent Party will take place on the evening of Friday, December 4th, commencing at 6:00 PM in the gym at St. Max.

Dinner will begin by 6:30 so that we can participate in the Lessons and Carols program in the church at 7:30.

We will gather again in the gym afterwards for dessert and to continue with our program.

Entrée (Hungarian Chicken in Cream Sauce with Noodles) and drinks will be provided … each family is asked to bring a side or dessert to share.

Please RSVP to Paul Landers at planders76@gmail.com or 513-433-4755 (let him know the number of adults and children who will attend).

Volunteers to help decorate & set up are appreciated!